Friday, December 12, 2008

Cookie Exchange, Izzy's 4 month appt & Eli's appearance

I hosted a cookie exchange last, today, I am all jacked up on caffeine and sugar and decided to update our blog. We had a great time last night...I just wish I had taken more pictures. I only got two, and they are not that great. I am going to hijack Caroline's pictures so I can post some on our blog. I still cannot believe we crammed 17 (well, 18 including me) in my living room!

Izzy had her 4 month check up yesterday (yeah, great planning, Suzy...cookie exchange started at 6 and her appt was at 4). Everything is rocking on with the little one. She is 13 lbs and 5.5 oz, and her head is 16 1/4 inches around. Both put her in the 50th percentile. The biggest shock to me was how tall she was. I kind of thought she was short and squatty (is that a word?). Apparently, in my quest to uber-clean (okay, I am pretty sure that is not a word) the house, she grew tall. She is 24 7/8 inches tall which puts her in the 75th percentile. What?? Anyway, she got her shots...cried while she was getting them and all out grinned and laughed when it was over (the nurse was great!). She is now allowed solids (we actually cheated and started them a week ago) and some juice...Oh, and she got kicked out of our room...sob. It started last night although she got to get in the big bed with mommy this morning after daddy left for work :)

Our last news item of the day: We have a new nephew/cousin. Eli was born on Wednesday (the 10th). He is 19 inches long and 8 pounds! Congratulations to Jamie & Emily on #3 :)

Mama's sweet girl doing her gangsta lean in the Bumbo

Sweet Potato Queen

She digs applesauce but carrots are a BIG negative...she actually managed an insulted look when I kept feeding them to her

Me holding Eli

Mr. Eli

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