Thursday, July 31, 2008

Another day, another doctor's appointment...Oh yeah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me (and Lori and Cassidy)!

Today was my 38 week appointment. Nothing going on except maybe I am 1 cm dialated. Izzy is still high and perfectly content, and I suppose that is okay :) She doesn't need to come now anyway...Today is my birthday! And, my father's is tomorrow (6.5 more hours and I would have shared with him!), she needs her own special day! Except, August 3rd would be kinda neat. That was Isabel's birthday (my father's mother...yes, we are all Leo see why I want one??) and they already (somewhat) share a name. So, the birthday would be neat!

I thought I would throw in a few pics of one of my baby showers. This is the one in Birmingham given by some sweet ladies from our church :) If I ever get some of the Russellville shower (hint, hint people), I will post them as well!

The hostesses

I am still not sure how she is fitting inside my tummy!
The food
My mother in law and my nephew Isaac...he partied a little too hard!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hmmm, why does it have a cover??

Disclaimer: I am bored and trying to put off several menial household chores. This post is really not that interesting :)

Thank goodness for bassinets! When we added a twin bed to the nursery, I had a minor meltdown. I HAD TO RE-ARRANGE THE OTHER FURNITURE TO ACCOMMODATE THIS BED!! Now, in the grand scheme of things, this is NOT that big of a deal. But, I had this "picture" of what the nursery would look like stuck in my head, and it was hard to let go of it! I don't know how many times I moved the bed, crib, and recliner (Jason got tired of moving it and gave up...can't blame him!). Finally, I had an epiphany (whoa, big word). Izzy will not even be sleeping in that room nor would she care where the bed was positioned. She is going to be sleeping in OUR least for a little while. Hmmmm. So, like I said, thank goodness for bassinets.

One note: Jason looked at the bassinet and asked why on earth did it have a cover on top. And, I could not answer him. He has a's not going to be raining or storming in our room...So, if anyone knows, please enlighten us!

Mommy and Daddy's room The bassinet with my added skirt
AUGH!!! I had to move the crib!
Yet another shot of the havoc wreaked by the twin bed
HAHA! Sleep now, bubba...the bassinet is on YOUR side of the bed! :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Bags are packed with nowhere to go!

I finished packing the hospital bag for our soon to be trio...However, we will not be needing it for a while! Izzy and I had our 37 week doctor's appointment today, and...drumroll please...NOTHING. Nada. Zip. Zero. She is head down (she's been that way for 2 months, though), but absolutely no progress is being made!! I kinda had my hopes up for SOME kind of progress. Jason was a late baby, and I was 2 weeks late...SO, I have a feeling Izzy will be a Virgo instead of a Leo!

Well, this just gives us more time to finish up the house. We finally got a twin bed put up in the nursery, and the basement "playroom" is well underway! I will post some pics of our progress later.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The manly garage :)

Well, the garage is really starting to look nice. Jason and I spent some of this weekend and today cleaning and painting the garage floor.

Now, I need to stop and make a comment or two A lot of Jason's "projects" are met with a little resistance (okay, sometimes a LOT of resistance) from me. Painting a garage floor that I have NO intention of seeing a whole lot of (our cars sit in the driveway) really does not interest me. And, the baby's room is still in a HUGE mess...not that a lot can be done about that right now...long story involving old furniture, a twin bed with no mattress set, and an almost sold pool table.

However, I DO understand the garage makeover we are currently in the midst of. Since I moved in the house, I have somewhat (understatement) taken over the house. Knick knacks and candles sitting everywhere, no dead animals on the wall (those are in the garage and the attic) get the picture. Estrogen took over the house :) So, the garage is his last great escape...the last truly "man friendly" place in our home. And, since he has so graciously helped me make the house more girly, we are now sprucing up the garage so he has a, man room.

Anyway, we got Rustoleum Epoxy paint from Lowes. We cleaned and then painted the floor...and it looks great!! Actually, he cleaned. There were some fumes that he didn't want me to breathe, so I was banished to the upstairs to snap green beans for dinner...not that I put up a fight to clean the floor!! By the way, I have to mention that Jason is an excellent "sprinkler"! I couldn't put the sprinkles on right (hey, it is harder than it looks), so, I painted, and he sprinkled!

The garage floor before pic 1

The garage floor before pic 2
The almost 36 week pregnant "look"
Cleaning the floor take 1
Cleaning the floor take 2
What the paint looks like
Pretty new floor take 1
Pretty new floor take 2

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Same poo, different day?

It's been a little while since I posted anything, and today seemed like a good day to write about what is going on with the Britnells. Well, let's see....hmmmm...(crickets chirping).....ummm...(awkward silence). Actually, nothing is least with the Helena Britnells, but I will get to the Russellville Britnells in a bit. Jason and I went to Russellville for July 4th. I took my camera, but for some reason, took zero pictures... Anyhoo, I am in the process of painting a bed for Izzy's room, but I had to take a break. IT IS SO HOT OUTSIDE!!! Maybe I will venture out in the early evening to finish. Or, maybe, just maybe, I can talk my hubby into finishing the bed :)

In Russellville news, my father-in-law was on TV again. My mom called last night and told us, but we couldn't find the newscast (you wouldn't think it would be that hard, but I tried every website BUT the one it was on!). SO, my mother-in-law called this morning and told me where I could find it. It is another story on the stinky situation in Franklin County...this piece actually shows Frankie in his garden which is pretty cool. My mother-in-law said she would have to buy some large sunglasses for him to wear so the paparazzi would not recognize him!

I know the Russellville Britnells went to the council meeting about the "fertilizer", but I am not sure what all was accomplished (this info was relayed to me from my hubby and details are not his forte). What I got was "Nothing much happened, a lot of people showed up". Now, I know more happened than that, but, if the council doesn't do something, I might just get to see a protest on the courthouse long as it happens in the evening when it is not so hot!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Help me!

Okay, I need help. Any guys that read this blog should go ahead and tune out now. This subject does not interest my husband what-so-ever, so, this is a "girly" subject for the girls. Which birth announcement should I use?? I spent last night and this morning on creating these (ugh, I hate Microsoft Publisher...I don't know why I continue to torment myself...yes, I saves $$). Anyhoo, I can't decide which to use or if I should use either of them. SO, please help me decide which one! By the way, I will point out the obvious (my mom will probably bring it up, so lets nip this in the bud). No, I will not use the 4D image on the actual announcement. And, yes, those little factoids are made up...I am not psychic...I don't think :)